HMO Investing Mentoring Wendy Whittaker-Large  

What is MY why?

When I first started investing in property (in 1996  – yes I was only 3 years old – lol!) my aim was to create a pension. I was a stay-at-home mum with two boys and knew that I needed to start thinking about the long-term, even though retirement was a long way off. I had no idea whether I would buy other properties or not, but after the success of the first one, I really wanted at least one more so each of my sons would inherit one property.

After I had about six single buy-to-let properties I began to ask whether I really did want or need anymore. After all, I had more than enough for the boys (and by then my children had doubled in number), and  I stood back and realised I had achieved my goal – to provide something for my retirement and also a legacy for my children.

Why you do what you do

So why carry on?

The real question I was asking myself was ‘WHY carry on investing’? ‘What is the REAL reason to invest’? Was it for a future legacy as I had first imagined? Or had my WHY changed?

I came to acknowledge that I wanted more from property. I saw others who had made a living from it – a lifestyle not just a legacy. And the benefits of that kind of life seemed obvious to me: more time with the family, more flexibility to spend my time as I wanted to, and fulfillment knowing I was giving back to society.

So in effect I started again in 2012. But this time with HMOs. And this time, for cashflow not just capital growth. And in two and a half short years, we as a family were financially free!


I’m sure you know your WHY too. Just as I did, if you want to change your life, create cashflow and be financially free you need to do what others won’t to have what others can’t.

Therefore, I would like to give you the opportunity to make that happen. It won’t always be easy, it won’t always be plain sailing and I’m sure you will hit obstacles along the way. To save you time and money it’s so important that you learn the fast way, the short-cuts, the tricks of the trade. You need to learn from someone who’s done it and can show you each step of the way how to make it happen.

You need to see how possible it is for YOU no matter what your situation.

I’d like to invite you a very special one-day event called ‘HMO FAST TRACK LIVE’. It’s my brand new event focused on learning all about HMOs, but where you’ll also have a mindset shift to realise this is not just a dream – this is possible – and it’s possible for YOU!


I’m thrilled to be working with Adam Cooper – an investor, Joint Venture partner, and HMO expert based in Peterborough, and together we’ll be hosting the event. You’ll be able to ask us lots of questions, learn all about the deals we’ve done, and best of all find out how just FOUR HMOs can make you financially free.

Find out more below and reserve your space now!


Taro Nabetani, professional investor