HMO Investing Wendy Whittaker-Large  

How are you going to make the remaining weeks of 2017 count?

Where did 2017 go? Do you realise there aren’t many weeks left? 


Have you got goals that you haven’t reached? Ideas that didn’t formulate into a plan? Strategies that never took off?


Is it too late to do anything about this? Am I asking too many questions? (lol)


Now is your time to SPRINT into 2018 by making this last sixth of 2017 really count – if you haven’t got a PLAN – write one. If you haven’t found a STRATEGY – decide to go for it anyway. If you haven’t clarified your GOALS – do it NOW. Do you want to raise £100k for 2 HMOs? Do you want to find 6 cash-flowing deals that you can source and sell on? Do you want to lose 6lbs in weight? Do you want to increase your income by £2k per month? Don’t start by thinking these things are impossible. Start by writing your goals and making a plan. Then you need to activate those things on your plan by assigning times to them, deadlines and how you will stay accountable.


Take 30 minutes TODAY (even if it has to be at 10pm tonight) and sort out the last few weeks of this year to be BIG.


Yes it will require you to give up lots of things – TV, socialising, shopping, drifting, wasting time! Instead, you will need discipline, focus, commitment, determination. You will need to take MASSIVE action. But not only will it pay off this year, you will SPRINT into 2018 ready to go for it! So what are you going to do? What are you waiting for?



A great idea that I found online: Deep-clean your social media.

Over the remaining weeks, focus on upgrading the quality—not always the quantity—of your online communities. Strive to fill your screens only with content that inspires and motivates you to become a better version of yourself. Follow people and companies who post positive, encouraging messages, and unfollow any individuals or groups that aren’t conducive to your goals. Over the two-month period, you should start to notice a more constructive and motivating online environment.


To your growth!
